Add a Dataset

Squirrel-datasets supports you with two tasks:

  • Preprocessing data and registering the preprocessed dataset in the data mesh

  • Loading data from the data mesh


For the first task, i.e. preprocessing, we recommend using Apache Spark. The scenario is that quite often you would like to work with data stored in Google Cloud Storage and finish your batch processing job on a kubernetes cluser. We use PySpark for defining the preprocessing logic in python. You can find a tutorial how to use spark for preprocessing under examples/08.Spark_Preprocessing.ipynb.

Data Loading

For the second task, i.e. data loading, we use the high level API from squirrel. The corresponding data loading logic is defined through a Driver class.

Add a New Dataset

After having understood the two above discussed main tasks and how we handle them, here is how it looks like when you want to add a new dataset into squirrel-datasets: define your preprocessing logic; define your loading logic; register the dataset into a catalog plugin.

  1. Define your preprocessing logic.

    • Create a new directory under squirrel_datasets_core/datasets named after your dataset, e.g. “example_dataset”. Write your preprocessing scripts under a new file in it if needed.

  2. Define your loading logic.

    • After the preprocessing step, you want to make sure your preprocessed dataset is valid and readable. In that case, you need to define the loading logic. The driver defines how the dataset is read from the serialized file into your memory.

    • In squirrel there are already many built-in drivers for reading all kinds of datasets. There are CsvDriver, JsonlDriver, MessagepackDriver, and many others. For details, please refer to squirrel.driver.

    • Select a suitable driver if one of them is applicable to your dataset’s format and compression method.

    • If there is no driver suitable for your dataset, then you need to define a custom driver. The custom driver should have the same interface as squirrel.driver.IterDriver. We recommend that you subclass from this class, then add the loading logic inside. This class should be saved under squirrel_datasets_core/datasets/example_dataset/


    This is not always the case that data loading occurs after the preprocessing steps. For image datasets, spark is not always the right tool to do it. In that case, you may want to load and process the data without it, and you need to define the loading logic for your raw data. In that case, you may swap the above steps or use them more flexibly. See squirrel_datasets_core.datasets.imagenet for an example.